Thursday, March 20, 2014

Faking It by Jennifer Crusie

In the sort of sequel to Welcome to Temptation, it’s been three years and Davy Dempsey has been swindled out of his money that he stole from Clea in the previous book. This book is basically a perfect circle of characters. The person who stole his money – financial advisor Ronald – is in love with Clea – the reason he stole the money in the first place – who is trying to seduce a potential third husband – Mason – who is actually in love with Gwen Goodnight, who owns a gallery that her daughter Matilda used to paint forgeries for, who gets brought into all of this mess when her niece Nadine sells one of the forgeries to Clea.

Confused yet? As for Davy, he gets brought in because as he tries to steal his money back from Clea, he runs into Matilda who is trying to steal her painting back. An instant…something is formed between the two and Davy decides to help out.

Okay, so, I’ll admit about half way through this book I was already planning on giving it three stars. The characters weren’t really popping off the page for me, Davy and Tilda’s relationship was pretty much dry and boring, and the whole Simon and Eve/Louise thing sort of reminded me of the Rachel and Leo storyline from the last book. Totally unnecessary. But then, as the secret was revealed that Tilda was the one who had painted the ‘Scarlet’s’ that they had gone around buying back from people, she finally lets go.

And boy did she let go.

The final scene where it’s revealed what the hell was going on throughout the book was actually quite comical, and saved this book from getting a three star rating.

Final Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Once Tilda stopped being a tight ass, the book actually became quite fun.

Bookshelf worthy? Electronic or support your local library.

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