Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Teardrop by Lauren Kate

Okay, let’s see if I can understand what exactly happened in this book. Eureka is a teenaged girl (16? 17?) who’s never cried. Her mom and dad are divorced, and her mother Diana died a few months ago in a horrible mysterious wave. Eureka was with her, but somehow miraculously survived. She loved her mother very much and couldn’t imagine a world without her and tried to take her own life by swallowing pills. Now, she is sentenced to therapy, even though she hates therapists – and I really can’t blame her this one was intense – and she may or may not have feelings for her best friend Brooks who has started to act weird.

Throw in a mysterious guy named Ander who doesn’t really seem to exist and keeps stalking her, and a mysterious book that her mother left her in her will and things get very interesting for Eureka.

Turns out that Eureka is descended from an Atlanteen named Selene and the reason she’s never cried is because if she does she could bring about a great flood that could bring Atlantis back from the deep.

Did I get everything? I think so…

Okay, so I really loved the character of Eureka. I mean, it’s very rare to come across a main character who’s character flaws are stated right away, usually a reader has to delve through a lot of layers of back story before they figure out what’s wrong with this character. The only thing I didn’t like about her was the fact that she was so passive. I mean, she has her best friend Brooks, he kisses her, and then totally dumps on her right afterward. The killer thing is Eureka just sits there and takes it; if it was me I would have given him a piece of my mind.

Then again, it turns out that it wasn’t one hundred percent his fault because he was taken over by the ‘Plague’ or in reality the former King of Atlantis Atlas. This is going to be really interesting to see how that plays out in the next book.

Final Rating: 3 out of 5 stars. The book was interesting and a great start up for the next two books. I just wish Ander had been more involved and that Eureka didn’t fall for his ‘I love you’ speech. Hello, until that speech you thought he was a stalker!

Bookshelf worthy? Even though I love the artwork, I’m saying electronic or support your local library.

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